Driver Vocabulary - WPDSA Online Driver's Education Program

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WPDSA Online Driver's Education Program
Driver Vocabulary
Acceleration Lane
part of a highway system entrance that allows you to increase speed to that of traffic on the highway system.
Active Restraintrestraint device that you have to engage to use.
Adaptive Equipmentequipment installed in a vehicle for a driver with disabilities.
Added Lane Areaan area where another traffic lane starts.
Advisory Speed Limitspeed suggested for a certain area such as curves, hills, and other areas where your visablity is limited.
Angle Parkingparking your vehicle diagonally to the curb.
Antilock Braking System (ABS)computer controlled system to help drivers use controlled braking and steering while stopping quickly.
Antitheft Devicea device used to protect the vehicle from theft.
Assigned-Risk Insuranceprovides insurance coverage for drivers that are high risk.
Automatic Assistance Notificationservice that automatically notifies police, fire, or rescue services if you are involved in a crash.
Automatic Transmissionvehicle that automatically selcts the proper forward driving gear.
Basic Speed Lawspeed that is safe for the present conditions.
Big Riganother name for a semi-tractor trailer.
Blind Spot Areaarea not seen by looking only in the vehicle mirrors.
Blood Alcohol Concentrationpercent of alcohol in a person's bloodstream.
Blow Outoccurs when a tire on a moving vehicle losses air pressure suddenly.
Blue Book, Kellylists the average selling price of used vehicles.
Brake Fadecondition that occurs from long, continuous, hard braking.
Bucket Truckvehicle with a bucket lift to reach high areas and/or objects.
Bus Stopplace where people can get on or off a city or school bus.
Canceling the Signalmanually turning the turn signal off.
Car Poolingseveral people commuting to work or school in the same vehicle.
Carbon Monoxidecolorless, tasteless, and odorless gas that is give off by the vehicle's exhaust system.
Centrifugal Forceforce that tends to push a moving object out of a curve and into a straight path.
Chain Reactiontype of collision involving may vehicles.
Chronic Illnessan illness that lasts for a long time.
Collisionwhen a vehicle hits something it was not suppose to hit.
Color Blindnessnot being able to tell one color from another very easily.
Common Speedspeed used by most drivers who drive on a roadway.
Compromise Spacereduce risk by giving more space to the greatest hazard.
Consolecompartment mounted between the front seats.
Controlled Access Highwaytype of highway system where vehicles can enter or leave only at an interchange (on and off ramps).
Controlled Brakingreducing speed quickly while keeping control of the vehicle.
Controlled Intersectionintersection that has traffic lights or stop signs controlling traffic.
Construction Zonearea where there is construction on or near the roadway.
Covering the Brakeplacing your foot over the brake pedal to be prepared to stop.
Cross Trafficplace where vehicles cross your path of travel.
Countersteerto turn the steering wheel in the opposite direction.
Deceleration Laneadded lane on a highway system in which to slow down.
Decide (SIPDE)a step that a driver takes to select the best thing to do.  A driver determines what needs to be done.
Deductibleamount of money you pay after a crash that the insurance doe not pay for.
Defensive Drivingdriving to save time. lives, and money.
Delayed Green Traffic Signala traffic light allowing oncoming traffic to proceed before other traffic.
Depreciationdecrease of vehicle vaule due to it's age.
Depressanta drug that slows down the central nervous system.
Depth Perceptionabiltiy to judge the distance between you and other objects.
Designated Drivera person that does not drink alcohol at social functions in order to be a safe driver for others.
Divided Highwaya highway system that lanes of traffic are divided by a median.
Double Parkingparking illegally in the traffic lane next to a vehicle already parallel parked.
Downshiftingshifting your vehicle from a higher gear to a lower gear.
Draftingfollowing another vehicle closely to avoid a head wind.
Draw Bridgea roadway bridge that lifts up to let ships and boats through.
Driving Taskall the actions a driver takes to drive a vehicle safely.
Emergency Brakebrake system that uses a cable, now called parking brake.
Emergency Flarewarning device set at least 500 feet behind a disabled vehicle.
Emergency Flasherswarning device on your vehicle to warn other drivers that your vehicle is a hazard.
Emergency Scenean area that an emergency has happed in.
Emergency Vehicle Sensorallows emergency vehicles to change the traffic light to GREEN.
Emissions Inspectiontest to determine how much pollution your vehicle gives off.
Enforcementto up-hold the laws passed by the local, state, and US government.
Entrance Rampramp that gives you access to the highway system.
Escape Patha place to go in case of an unexpected conflict.
Escort Vehiclea vehicle that leads or follows a vehicle carrying wide or oversized loads.
Execute (SIPDE)when a driver performs the proper car control.
Exit Rampramp that leads vehicles off the highway system.
Express Lanehighway system lane with few exits, used during rush hour traffic.
Field Sobriety Testroadside test a police officer gives you to detect a driver who is driving while intoxicated or under the influence of alcohol or drugs.
Fishtailwhen the rear of the vehicle slides from side to side.
Flagpersona person who directs traffic in a work/construction zone.
Flash Floodsudden rush of water due to excessive rain.
Flashing traffic signalflashing light that indicates stop or use caution.
Flashing Yellow Traffic Signal/Lighta traffic light that indicates you need to slow down and proceed with caution.
Force of Impactforce with which one object hits another object.
Fresh Green Traffic Signal/Lighta traffic light that has just turned GREEN from RED.
Frictionforce that keeps each tire from sliding on the roadway.
Friction Pointin a manual transmission car, the stage at which the engine and transmission combine to begin moving a vehicle.
Gap in Trafficthe distance between your vehicle and other vehicles.
Glare Recovery Timethe time your eyes take to regain clear vision after looking at bright lights.
Good Samaritan Lawlaw that protects bystanders when giving aid to those injured.
Gravityforce that pulls all objects towards the earth.
Green Traffic Lighta traffic signal indicating you may proceed with caution when the way is clear and safe.
Ground Viewingquickly looking at the road in front of your vehicle.
Guide Signsign that gives you information on location and direction.
Hand Over Hand Steeringa method of steering the vehicle using the top of the steering wheel and moving one hand over the other hand until the steering wheel is turned to desired position.
Hidden Drivewaya driveway that is not easily seen from the roadway.
Highway Hypnosiscondition in which a driver is lulled into an inattentive, drowsy state while driving for a long distance or period of time.
Highway Transportation Systema system of moving people and goods (cargo) from place to place safely, cheaply, and quickly.
Hit and Run Crashcrash wher one of the vehicles involved does not stay at the crash scene.
Hitch Hikingto travel by asking for and receiving rides in passing vehicles.
Hydroplanetires riding on the surface of standing water.
Identify (SIPDE)the SIPDE step a driver takes to recognize potential hazards.
Implied Consent Lawby accepting a driver's license, a person agrees to a BAC test if asked by a police officer.
Inhibitionsinner forces of personality that hold back or restrain one's impulsive behavior.
Interestamount of money you pay to have a loan.
International Symbolssame symbols used on signs in many different countries.
Intoxilyzera machine that determines a driver's BAC by the amount of infrared light that is absorbed by the breath.
Instrument Panelpanel in front of driver that shows the vehicle gauges and lights.
Jack, Tiredevice used to lift the vehicle to change a flat tire.
Jackknifingwhat might happen if a semi-truck loses control of the trailer.
Jaywalkingcrossing a street as a pedestrain without regard to the rules.
Joining Trafficturning right or left into lanes of traffic to join other traffic on that street.

Lane Restrictionsomething that keeps you from using a certain traffic lane.
Lane Selectionchoosing the best traffic lane to use.
Lane Signala signal that directs the flow of traffic in a lane.
Leasingthe long term renting of a vehicle.
Lending Agenciesplaces such as banks and credit unions to borrow money from for vehicle loans.
Liability Insurancetype of insurance that pays for damage you cause to other people's property or injuries to other people.
Line of Sightthe distance you can see ahead of you while driving.
Locking the Brakesapplying and holding the brake pedal hard.
Lug Nutssmall pieces of hardware that hold the wheel on the vehicle.
Manual Transmissiona vehicle that requires the driver to choose the proper forward gear.  Also known as a stick shift vehicle.
Mass Transportationseveral methods of moving large numbers of people.  city transit, subways, etc.
Maximum Speed Limitfastest legal speed you can go during good conditions.
Medianarea on the highway system that separates two-way traffic.
Merging Areapart of the highway system entrance area you enter at the same speed as traffic in the right lane.
Merging Traffictraffic that is entering your roadway.
Mile Markera sign that helps drivers locate where they are on the highway system.
Minimum Speed Limitslowest legal speed you can go during good conditions.
Minimize Hazardswhen you reduce risk by putting more space between you and another hazard.
Night Blindnessnot being able to see well when driving during hours of darkness.
Nystagmusthe involuntary jerking of the eyes.
Off-Trackingmoving into the left lane to make a wide right turn.
Operating Under the Influencedriving with a BAC of .07% or lower in WI.
Operating While Intoxicateddriving with a BAC of .08% or higher in WI.

Orderly Visual Search Patternlooking at critical areas in a regular sequence.
Over Steeringturning the steering wheel too much when turning resulting in making a sharp turn.
Overdriving Headlightswhen you are not able to stop within your headlight spray.
Overinflated Tirea vehicle tire with too much air in it.
Owners Manualbook the owner gets that explains the features of the vehicle.
Palming the Streering Wheela method of steering using only one hand without gripping the steering wheel.
Parallel Parkingparking the vehicle on the roadway parallel to the curb.
Parking Brakebrake system that uses a cable, also known as Emergency Brake.
Passive Restrainta restraint device that works automatically.
Pedestrian Signaltraffic signal syaing walk or don't walk used for pedistrians.
Peripheral Visionthe side vision a person has to the right and left.
Perpendicular Parkingparking at a right angle to the curb.  Also known as straight parking.
Personal Reference Pointsa spot a driver uses as a reference point for certain vehicles.
Point-of-no-Returnpoint beyond which a driver can no longer stop safely without entering an intersection.
Policy, Insuranceagreement between you and the insurance company defining the terms and conditions of the insurance coverage.
Power Steering Failureloss of power steering due to engine or power steering pump failure.
Predict (SIPDE)the step a driver takes to guess what might happen while driving.
Premiumamount you pay to the insurance company for the insurance coverage.
Pre-Trip Inspectionchecking the vehicle for problems before driving the vehicle.

Preventive Maintenancecare given to a vehicle to keep problems from occurring.
Protective Geargear used by cycle operators to protect them is cause of a fall or crash.
Pull Out Areaan area where slower traffic can move to allow faster traffic to pass.
Pumping the Brakesa process of applying the brakes, letting go, applying the brakes to help with controlled braking.  Do not do with ABS brake systems.

Railroad Crossingan area where trains cross the roadway.
Reaction Timethe time it take to react to something.
Red Traffic Signal/Lighta traffic light that indicates you to to stop and wait.
Reduced Visibilityunable to see clearly 500 feet or more ahead of your vehicle.
Reference Pointa spot you will use as a reference point for any type of vehicle.  Normally used to help the driver park the vehicle.
Regulatory Signsign that informs you of traffic laws and regulations.
Riding the Brakeplacing your left foot on the brake pedal while driving.
Riding the Clutchplacing your left foot on the clutch pedal while driving.
Right of Wayprivilege to use the roadway before other vehicles.
Right turn on Redmaking a right turn, when safe, at a red traffic signal.
Road Killdead animals on or along side the roadway.
Roadside Assistancetype of insurance to help you when you have a vehicle break down.
Roadway Markinglines, words, and symbols painted on the roadway.
Roadway Usersthe people who use the HTS by walking, riding, or driving.
Rocking the Car/Vehiclemaneuver to free the vehicle from snow, mud, or sand.  Moving the vehicle forward, backward, forward over and over until the vehicle is freed.
Rolling Stopnot stopping completely when required to stop.
Roundaboutsa circular intersection where drivers travel counterclockwise around center island.
Rumble Stripsrough areas of the roadway warning a driver to slow or stop ahead.
RV(Recreational Vehicle) a vehicle used for camping and traveling in.
School Crossingan area where children cross the street by a school.
School Zonea 2 to 3 block area by a school where you need to be alert for children.
Search (SIPDE)the step a driver takes to notice hazards and other things ahead.
Selective Seeinglooking at those items that will affect your driving path.
Separate Hazardsadjusting your vehicle speed to handle one hazard at a time.
Service Centerbusiness that repairs vehicles.
Service Signa sign that gives you information about food, gas, lodging or other services.
Shared Left Turn Lanelane that is used by both directions of traffic to make a left turn off a roadway.
Shift Indicatorindicator that shows which gear the vehicle is in.
Shuffling the Steering Wheela method of steering using the bottom of the steering wheel without taking your hands off the steering wheel.
S.I.P.D.E Processan organized system of seeing, thinking, and doing.
Space Cushionopen space around your vehicle as you drive.
Stale Green Traffic Signal/Lighta traffic signal that has been GREEN for some time and is about to change.
Sticker Pricethe asking price listed on a vehicle that is for sale.
Stop Arma stop sign that swings out on a school bus to stop traffic.
Stop Gatea gate at a railroad crossing, draw bridge or other area that lowers to stop traffic from entering the area.
Stopping Timethe time it takes to stop the vehicle.
SUVSport Utility Vehicle is a combination truck and minivan.
Switchbackseries of sharp turns, often found in mountainous areas.
Tailgatingfollowing another vehicle at an unsafe distance.  Also known as following too closely.
Tilt Steeringa steering wheel that is adjustable.
T-Intersectionan intersection that has only one other roadway meeting it with one of the roadways ending at the intersection.
Tire Chainsdevices placed on tires to improve traction on snow and ice.
Towing Insuranceinsurance that pays to have your vehicle towed if needed.
Trackinglooking far ahead of the vehicle where you want the vehicle to go.
Tracking Devicea radio device used to locate a vehicle.
Trade Ingiving your vehicle to the dealer for a different vehicle.
Traffic Checkchecking for traffic and other things in your mirrors and blind spot areas.
Traffic Circlesintersection that forms when several roadways meet and form a circle.
Traffic Signala traffic light, arrow, lane signal, or pedestrian signal used to direct the flow of traffic.
Tune-Upcleaning, checking, and repairing vehicle parts to keep bigger problems from developing.
Tunnel Visionnarrow field of vision, does not have good peripheral vision.
Turnaboutmaneuver for turning the vehicle around.
Uncontrolled Intersectionan intersection that has no traffic lights or signs controlling traffic.
Under Steeringnot turning the steering wheel enough when turning resulting in making a wide turn.
Underinflated Tirea vehicle tire with not enough air in it.
Unprotected Left Turnleft turn made at an intersection that does not have a special turn light.
Vehicle Codelaws passed by the legislature to control the H.T.S. (Highway Transportation System)
Vehicle Dealera person who sells vehicles for a job.
Vehicle Titlestate certificate showing ownership of a vehicle.
Velocitationcondition in which a driver unconsciously drives too fast after leaving a high speed roadway.
Visual Acuitythe ability to see things clearly both near and far away.
Warning Lightslights in the vehicle dash that indicate a problem.
Warning Signa sign that alerts drivers of hazadous areas or road conditions or things you need to be alert for.
Warrantywritten agreement between the buyer and seller for repairs to the vehicle if needed.
Wide Loada vehicle that is wider than the normal traffic lane.
Wind Effectthe gust of wind from a passing larger vehicle.
Wolf Packgroup of vehicles bunched together on a highway system.

Yellow Traffic Signal/Lighta traffic signal/light that indicates you need to slow down and prepare to stop.
Yieldto allow another vehicle or pedestrian to go before you.

12 O'Clock Steering Positionplacing your left hand at the top of the steering wheel.
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